流浪神差 21

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The Alchemists of Loom

The Outs

The Promise Kitchen

The Crooked Sixpence

Food Anatomy

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

[Post Index] Series Overview [UPDATED on March 5, 2025]

(If you have a short reading attention span, feel free to just skip to the actual list >:3)

Hey, so, it's sad to say that while the actual acts of posting blog posts and editing their content are easy enough, I really can't say I'm all that familiar with what Blogger has to offer, this could be because prior to using it, I've already have experiences viewing and editing blogs provided by other services, mainly Taiwanese ones. Some of the things I quickly found out Blogger lacks, were a.] visible statistic display of the view counts of each posts (this data is visible to the author in the backstage, but I see no option for displaying it to regular viewers, unless it's something to do with the theme, but I doubt so,) b.] private post that requires password to view content, c.] a widget to use on side panels to show the latest comments (this I believe can be done by using 3rd party java script, but again, why couldn't this be simply featured?) and d.] similar posts suggestion for each posts. This last one can also been done by 3rd party installment, as I've done so myself, but it does not seem to always work, also, when it does successfully display, there were a few incidents that the panel actually suggested the exact post the viewer were already reading, when there's plenty more posts to choose from.

(Another one I didn't list out and suppose could be somewhat related to point b.] was warning for specific posts; I think Blogger does have the option for picking the entire blog to be marked as "having mature content," but for me specifically, hardly EVERYTHING on my blog would fit the bill. I do know some blogs offered by other services in English also have this, kind of like AO3 where it'd just ask you if you want to proceed. I mean, I know underage people could still lie and bypass to view the content, but the extra warning is still nice to have.)

I digress, my point was that I'm obviously aware of some of the things Blogger doesn't seem to provide, but only fairly recently did I come to face the fact that it seemly is also incapable of doing a simple listing that includes the full title of the posts and when they were posted. I think I was previously mollified by the "Blog Archive" widget, which, thankfully is officially provided by Blogger and is installed on this blog, and is indeed quite useful; however, it doesn't display the full title, also, while making it easy to spot the number of posts per month, it unfortunately is a downside for quick checking for all posts available. Then there's "Labels", which, thankfully is also an official Blogger feature; it's quite great for narrowing down and displaying only the posts of said label, HOWEVER, the number of blog posts is selectively displayed, sometimes, there'd be only two posts and you'd have to click "Older Posts" to slowly view how many posts in total. I mean, the number of how many posts is visible, but there's no way to see them all at once, unless all the posts are super short, which is not the case here.

SO, that's why after a brief internal struggle, I decided that it really isn't my fault for having to manually compile a list of links to posts on my own blog. Like, as the owner of the blog, the backstage I am able to see all my posts clearly and even filter what to see specifically, I really don't see why regular viewers should be deprived of this convenience. Alas, I don't have the energy or time to look up info on possibly resolving this with yet another java installation, so I'm doing this the old school way.

Since "Blog Archive" (while imperfect) already provided all my posts in chronological order, I'm listing posts in alphabetical order of the series' title, just so viewers can quickly check whether or not I covered certain series they are interested (so when they'd know I don't have it when they reach titles starting with another letter.) I'm debating to provide the dates of last content updates alongside, but probably not anytime soon. I've also provided the series' title in traditional Chinese when applicable; while I don't read translated editions of English books, all of my Series Overview posts are in Chinese in the hopes of sharing thoughts about them to a different audience than I would have on GR, so it's done in case the translated titles would generate more recognition. The first item is the only one not in alphabetical order, for it features multiple series that are listed under (which are listed alphabetically.) Labels at the end are ones they would have had, had those series gotten individual posts (though excluding labels such as completed series, duology, trilogy, and Series Overview, since those are repetitive.) The small numbers in front of the series title indicates the number of books in respective main series.

(Remember to click "read more" to view the entire list >:3)
  1. List of Completed Book Series I've Read, and Links to My Reviews for Them:
    1. 3 The Blackwell Pages - K.L. Armstrong, M.A. Marr & Vivienne To (Illustrator)
      aka 諸神小鎮 - K‧L‧阿姆斯壯 & M‧A‧邁爾
      [Goodreads Choice Award Nominee] [台灣有代理但(還?)沒出齊]
    2. 3 Blood Rose Rebellion - Rosalyn Eves [台灣有慧眼的出版社考慮一下好不好呢]
    3. 3 The Burning Kingdoms - Tasha Suri [Goodreads Choice Award Nominee]
    4. 2 The Crown's Game - Evelyn Skye [台灣有慧眼的出版社考慮一下好不好呢]
    5. 3 Dark Caravan Cycle - Heather Demetrios [台灣有慧眼的出版社考慮一下好不好呢]
    6. 3 Dr. Greta Helsing - Vivian Shaw
    7. 3 Everlife - Gena Showalter
    8. 3 The Explorers - Adrienne Kress & Matt Rockefeller (Illustrator)
    9. 3 The Extraordinary Adventures of the Athena Club - Theodora Goss
      [optioned] [台灣有慧眼的出版社考慮一下好不好呢]
    10. 2 These Feathered Flames - Alexandra Overy
    11. 3 Firebird - Claudia Gray aka 泡沫宇宙 - 克蘿蒂亞·格雷 [台灣有代理但(還?)沒出齊]
    12. 3 Gilded - Christina Farley
    13. 3 Kingdom on Fire - Jessica Cluess
    14. 3 Legends of Orkney - Alane Adams
    15. 2 Mask of Shadows - Linsey Miller [台灣有慧眼的出版社考慮一下好不好呢]
    16. 3 Menagerie - Rachel Vincent
    17. 2 The Never Tilting World - Rin Chupeco [台灣有慧眼的出版社考慮一下好不好呢]
    18. 2 Poison's Kiss - Breeana Shields
    19. 3 Red Winter Trilogy - Annette Marie & Brittany Jackson (Illustrator)
    20. 2 Shadow Weaver - MarcyKate Connolly
    21. 3 Timekeeper - Tara Sim [台灣有慧眼的出版社考慮一下好不好呢]
    22. 2 Traveler - L.E. DeLano

  2. A ↓
  3. 3 A Charm of Magpies - K.J. Charles aka 喜鵲迷情 - KJ查爾斯
  4. 2 All the Stars and Teeth - Adalyn Grace
  5. 3 The Apprentice Witch - James Nicol
  6. 3 Ash Princess - Laura Sebastian

  7. B ↓
  8. 4 Beautiful Creatures (Caster Chronicles) - Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
    aka 美麗魔物 - 卡蜜·嘉西亞 & 瑪格麗特·史托爾
  9. 3 Blood Heir - Amélie Wen Zhao
  10. 3 Bloodleaf - Crystal Smith
  11. 3 Blood of Eden - Julie Kagawa
  12. 2 The Blood of Stars - Elizabeth Lim
  13. 2 The Book of Tea - Judy I. Lin
  14. 2 The Books of Ambha - Tasha Suri

  15. C ↓
  16. 3 Captive Prince - C.S. Pacat aka 墮落王子 - C·S·帕卡特
  17. 3 Caraval - Stephanie Garber aka 魔幻卡拉瓦 - 史蒂芬妮·蓋柏
  18. 3 Cassidy Blake - Victoria Schwab
  19. 2 The Celestial Kingdom - Sue Lynn Tan aka 天庭傳奇 - 陳舒琳
  20. 4 Charlotte Holmes - Brittany Cavallaro aka 福爾摩斯家族 - 布瑞塔妮·卡瓦拉羅
  21. 2 The Crimson Moth - Kristen Ciccarelli
  22. 2 Crown of Coral and Pearl - Mara Rutherford
  23. 3 Cursebreaker - Brigid Kemmerer

  24. D ↓
  25. 3 The Daevabad Trilogy - S.A. Chakraborty
  26. 2 Dance of Thieves - Mary E. Pearson
  27. 2 Dangerous Creatures - Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
  28. 3 Dark Gifts - Vic James
  29. 3 Daughter of Smoke & Bone - Laini Taylor aka 千年之願 - 萊妮·泰勒
  30. 3 Defy - Sara B. Larson
  31. 3 The Divine Cities - Robert Jackson Bennett aka 階梯之城 - 羅柏·傑克森·班奈特
  32. 4 The Diviners - Libba Bray
  33. 3 The Drowning Empire - Andrea Stewart

  34. E ↓
  35. 2 Elements of Cadence - Rebecca Ross
  36. 3 Emily Wilde - Heather Fawcett aka 艾蜜莉的精靈百科 - 海瑟·佛賽特
  37. 3 Empirium - Claire Legrand
  38. 2 Everless - Sara Holland

  39. F ↓
  40. 3 Fire and Thorns - Rae Carson
  41. 2 Flame in the Mist - Renée Ahdieh
  42. 3 The Folk of the Air - Holly Black aka 語風之靈 - 荷莉·布萊克
  43. 2 Forgotten Gods - Marie Rutkoski
  44. 3 Founders - Robert Jackson Bennett aka 銘印之子 - 羅柏·傑克森·班奈特
  45. 3 Frostblood Saga - Elly Blake

  46. G ↓
  47. 7 ゴーストハント - 小野不由美 (Ghost Hunt - Fuyumi Ono) aka 惡靈系列
  48. 3 The Gifts - Caroline O'Donoghue
  49. 3 The Gilded Wolves - Roshani Chokshi
  50. 2 The Girl from Everywhere - Heidi Heilig
  51. 3 Glass - Maria V. Snyder
  52. 5 The Great Library - Rachel Caine aka 墨水戰爭 - 瑞秋·肯恩
  53. 3 Green Bone Saga - Fonda Lee
  54. 2 Grim Lovelies - Megan Shepherd

  55. I ↓
  56. 3 The Illuminae Files - Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff aka 星謎檔案 - 艾米·考夫曼 & 杰·克里斯朵
  57. 2 Into the Crooked Place - Alexandra Christo
  58. 2 The Ivory Key - Akshaya Raman

  59. J ↓
  60. 4 Jackaby - William Ritter aka 傑剋比超自然偵探事務所 - 威廉·瑞特

  61. K ↓
  62. 3 The Kane Chronicles - Rick Riordan aka 埃及守護神 - 雷克·萊爾頓
  63. 3 Kingdom of Souls - Rena Barron
  64. 2 The King of Scars Duology - Leigh Bardugo

  65. L ↓
  66. 2 Letters of Enchantment - Rebecca Ross
  67. 3 The Licanius Trilogy - James Islington
  68. 5 Lockwood & Co. - Jonathan Stroud aka 洛克靈異偵探社 - 喬納森·史特勞
  69. 3 Loom Saga - Elise Kova
  70. 4 The Lunar Chronicles - Marissa Meyer aka 月族 - 瑪麗莎·邁爾

  71. M ↓
  72. 5 Magisterium - Holly Black & Cassandra Clare aka 魔法學園 - 荷莉·布萊克 & 卡珊卓拉·克蕾兒
  73. 3 Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan aka 阿斯嘉末日 - 雷克·萊爾頓
  74. 6 魔女の宅急便 - 角野栄子 (Majo no Takkyuubin - Eiko Kadono)
    aka Kiki's Delivery Service/魔女宅急便 - 角野榮子
  75. 3 Mapmakers - S.E. Grove
  76. 3 The Midnight Hour - Benjamin Read & Laura Trinder
  77. 3 Monster - Michael Grant
  78. 2 Monsters of Verity - Victoria Schwab aka 眾魔之城 - 薇多莉亞·舒瓦

  79. N ↓
  80. 3 The Nyxia Triad - Scott Reintgen

  81. O ↓
  82. 3 Once Upon a Broken Heart - Stephanie Garber
  83. 3 Oversight Trilogy - Charlie Fletcher

  84. P ↓
  85. 5 Pandava - Roshani Chokshi aka 印度戰士 - 洛希妮·查克西
  86. 2 Passenger - Alexandra Bracken
  87. 3 The Poppy War - R.F. Kuang
  88. 3 The Prison Healer - Lynette Noni

  89. Q ↓
  90. 2 The Queen's Rising - Rebecca Ross

  91. R ↓
  92. 3 The Reader Trilogy (Sea of Ink and Gold) - Traci Chee
  93. 3 Rebel of the Sands - Alwyn Hamilton
  94. 3 The Remnant Chronicles - Mary E. Pearson aka 半神王女 - 瑪莉·E·皮爾遜
  95. 3 Renegades - Marissa Meyer
  96. 3 Ruined - Amy Tintera

  97. S ↓
  98. 3 The Scholomance - Naomi Novik
  99. 2 Secrets of the Nile - Isabel Ibañez
  100. 3 Serpent & Dove - Shelby Mahurin
  101. 3 Shades of Magic - V.E. Schwab aka 幻色闇倫敦 - V.E.舒瓦
  102. 3 The Shadow and Bone Trilogy (The Grisha Trilogy) - Leigh Bardugo
    aka 格里莎三部曲 - 李·芭度葛
  103. 2 Shadow Bruja - J.C. Cervantes
  104. 3 The Shadow Game - Amanda Foody
  105. 3 Shadow Skye - Joseph Elliott
  106. 3 Silber (The Silver Trilogy) - Kerstin Gier
  107. 2 Six Crimson Cranes - Elizabeth Lim
  108. 2 The Six of Crows Duology - Leigh Bardugo aka 烏鴉六人組 - 莉·巴度格
  109. 3 Skin Books - Alice Broadway aka 印記 - 愛麗絲·博德威
  110. 3 Soulfinders - Maria V. Snyder
  111. 2 Spellbreaker - Charlie N. Holmberg aka 破咒師 - 夏莉·荷柏格
  112. 4 Stalking Jack the Ripper - Kerri Maniscalco
  113. 5 Stoker & Holmes - Colleen Gleason
  114. 2 The Stolen Heir - Holly Black
  115. 3 The Storm Runner - J.C. Cervantes
  116. 2 Strange the Dreamer - Laini Taylor
  117. 3 Study - Maria V. Snyder aka 試毒師 - 瑪莉亞·V·辛德
  118. 3 The Study Chronicles: Valek's Adventures - Maria V. Snyder

  119. T ↓
  120. 3 Themis Files - Sylvain Neuvel
  121. 2 Threads That Bind - Kika Hatzopoulou
  122. 3 TodHunter Moon - Angie Sage

  123. U ↓
  124. 3 The Uncommoners - Jennifer Bell aka 不思議市集 - 珍妮佛·貝爾

  125. W ↓
  126. 3 The Winner's Trilogy - Marie Rutkoski
  127. 3 Winternight - Katherine Arden aka 冬夜三部曲 - 凱薩琳·艾登

  128. Y ↓
  129. 3 The Young Elites - Marie Lu aka 覺醒之路 - 陸希未

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