流浪神差 21

青之驅魔師 23

執業魔女Pico Pico 06

燄凰:凝秦遺夢 16


The Alchemists of Loom

The Outs

The Promise Kitchen

The Crooked Sixpence

Food Anatomy

Thursday, August 15, 2019

[Books in Books] 本屋の森のあかリ - 磯谷友紀 (Buchhändler-Tagebuch - Yuki Isoya)

You haven't read it wrong! It's a list of written works featured in other works! Originally, this was just going to be included within the series overview blog post I'm writing for the manga series, but as I started working on the post, it became quite huge and at that point I haven't even actually covered much of the first story arc lmao. Figured I'll just separate out the list of featured works and form this post. It will take some time; I hope to provide links to the actual edition the mangaka referenced, which is somewhat challenging, for while they were nicely cited, it would have been loads easier had the ISBNs (when available) been given.

Unlike the [food in books] posts that just featured lists of food and respective quotes, this will NOT be a straightforward, unbiased (lol) list of documentation. All works were nicely referenced in the manga, I feel pretty lame to just type out the exact content without any altercation, plus, it's quite interesting to see works being translated into titles with different meanings, which is what the additional stuff noted by myself is mostly about. xDDD (Also, sometimes the citations only provided the actual books being used, which can be compilations, and not the name of the specific piece themselves; I figured knowing the actual title of the story is quite important, so I'd be prioritizing them.)

Original Japanese title [romaji]: 本屋の森のあかリ [Honya-no Mori-no Akari]
Traditional Chinese title: 書香森林的夢想家 (the edition I read)

If you missed the intro, this post is currently WIP.


  • Vol. 1
    • Mother Goose or the Old Nursery Rhymes by Kate Greenway
    • Dornröschen by Brüder Grimm
      『グリム童話と魔女―魔女裁判とジェンダーの視点から』 by 野口芳子
      ☞ English readers, you'd recognize the subject matter as Sleeping Beauty, but no translated edition of it was listed as reference, only the material written by Yoshiko Noguchi was stated to be used for the chapter. Noguchi's book title indicates it's about Brothers Grimm's version, not the other well known one, La Belle au bois dormant.
    • Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
    • 『永訣の朝』 by 宮沢賢治
    • David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
  • Vol. 2
    • Война́ и миръ / Война и мир by Лев Толстой
      ☞ English readers, you'd recognize this as War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy.
    • Doctor Dolittle's Garden by Hugh Lofting
    • ألف ليلة و ليلة‎
      ☞ English readers, you'd recognize this as One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights. Unsure what flags to use and I hope it won't be offensive; it's meant to indicate of what region it came from and what the place is called nowadays.
    • 『寒山落木』 by 正岡子規
    • Sneedronningen / Snedronningen by H.C. Andersen
      ☞ English readers, you'd recognize this as The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen.
      (#10)漫畫中章節名譯為『白雪皇后』。日譯為『雪の女王』,東立有可能是照日譯再自行演繹;因為這部雖然台版有不同譯名,我是不曉得有沒有其他已絕版的台灣正版繁體書翻成『白雪皇后』的啦,目前只有查到一本合集中看似也是用這個名稱(從文摘上判斷),所以覺得這個翻譯名稱絕對不會是多數啦!有看過單一書籍僅這個故事也用這個譯名的人,歡迎分享!查詢的話真的都不是出現該作,個人認為這個翻譯會誤導人,我自己一開始就看錯成白雪公主="= (聲明一下,簡體書目前是有查到一本也用這個翻譯,但我中文要看繁體的謝謝。)其他找到的中譯名稱包含『雪后』(我比較喜歡這個!但我也只找到一本用這名稱?)和『冰雪女王』(這個我比較有煩感,但不是它的錯;要怪就要怪一堆不認真查清事實的人!這個太容易聯想到迪士尼Frozen的中譯了!在想跟我坳說電影就是改編這個童話前,請閉嘴好好去查資料。並不是。不清楚且會讀英文者,歡迎閱讀我在GR上用英文寫關於此事的rant喔wwww
  • Vol. 3
    • Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
      ☞ English readers, you'd recognize this as The Little Prince.
      (#11)對於這部日譯為『星の王子さま』的作品的處理... 真的讓我蠻囧的;漫畫中直接翻『星星王子』... 做一點功課?這部作品最常見的正式中譯,就是『小王子』啦!我也沒看過,但有想到是不是這部啊就是;這個我覺得算疏失,因為其他集裡就有用地方翻譯的『塊肉餘生錄』、『大亨小傳』等來當標題,如果又是要日翻中,就不會是這些名字了!
    • 『猫町』 by 萩原朔太郎
    • Rapunzel by Brüder Grimm
    • Братья Карамазовы by Фёдор Миха́йлович Достое́вский
      ☞ English readers, you'd recognize this as The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
  • Vol. 4
    • Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There by Lewis Carroll
    • The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
    • 『ヴィヨンの妻』 by 太宰治
      (#18&19)我覺得東立算是運氣不太好,第四集是09年出的,大概是在這之前台灣都沒有出版收錄這短篇,所以沒有正式譯名;漫畫中翻作『維庸之妻』...結果隔年就有『維榮之妻』這正式翻譯了囧(因為改拍成電影);之後的書也都是用這個名稱。Series Overview那篇有講到第四集剛好有看得到的校正疏失,如果還沒改的話,會建議乾脆連這點也更改,因為查沒查到Google卻提建議時,不認真看一下時間點,還真的會懷疑東立是翻錯的(又來,但這次不是啦!)
    • 『夢十夜』 by 夏目漱石
  • Vol. 5
    • Mother Goose or the Old Nursery Rhymes by Kate Greenway
    • Hinzelmeier: Eine nachdenkliche Geschichte by Theodor Storm
      ☞ English readers, you may recognize this simply as Hinzelmeier, which indeed looked to having been translated in English. Sorry folks, I'm perplexed by the nature of said referenced work. In an available Amazon preview of the matching book, the TOC indicates that it is structured as having "chapters" (9 of them, in fact,) but when I looked up the supposed "only Japanese translated version" referenced in the series, reviews indicate the Japanese book itself is a collected edition with other stories? Super confused, since people were reviewing stories by stories, also naming out the one featured; no idea how a chaptered story would fit in this kind of situation. When translating the referenced story literally (from the Japanese translation) to English, the title is The Rose and the Crow, but that's all I know. The English translated version is included in an even huger collected edition with works by various authors. I tried looking up what "Hinzelmeier" means but failed lmao.
    • Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Vol. 6
    • 『萱草に寄す』 by 立原道造
    • 『銀河鉄道の夜』 by 宮沢賢治
    • Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
  • Vol. 7
    • 『柿の種』 by 寺田寅彦
    • Nussknacker und Mausekönig by E. T. A. Hoffmann
      ☞ English readers, you'd recognize the subject matter as The Nutcracker and the Mouse King. Unsure what flags to use and I hope it won't be offensive. The German flag has not been adopted while Hoffmann was alive, but since he was noted to be "German", I think in present day this is still the most recognizable representation.
    • "The Fisherman and his Soul" by Oscar Wilde
      ☞ Unsure what flags to use and I hope it won't be offensive. The Irish flag has not been adopted while Wilde was alive, but since he was noted to be "Irish", I think in present day this is still the most recognizable representation.
      (#34&35)漫畫中章節名無翻譯直接作『The Fisherman and his Soul』... 這個我是不確定台版漫畫出版期間(2010)有沒有正式中譯,畢竟它是短篇,從書名不好判斷哪本有收錄,剛剛迅速查了一下,『漁夫和他的靈魂』可能算蠻常見的正式中譯,至少有兩個版本都是用這個(2012年2017年的某兩個版本);不過也有看到用『漁夫和靈魂』的。
    • Wir liefen auf glattem Boden by Franz Kafka
      ☞ Okay I'll start by admitting I'm once again at a lost as to what the title actually is. In the manga, "Wir liefen auf glattem Boden" is somewhat shown to look like it could be the title, however, when I Goggled it, it does not immediately stand out to be one? Though the result showing "Wir liefen auf glattem Boden, manchmal stolperte einer und fiel hin, manchmal wäre einer seitlich fast abgestürzt, dann mußte immer der andere helfen, aber sehr vorsichtig, denn auch er stand ja nicht fest." after again using Google Translate, does seem to be the quote the chapter used, but I'm clueless of the title of the source. Help would be appreciated!
  • Vol. 8
    • Immensee by Theodor Storm
    • 『ゆく水』 by 竹久夢二
      台版漫畫出版期間(2011)至今似乎沒有正式中譯,或是因為是短篇所以從書名判斷不出來?這個我有很多點要吐槽Orz 首先,台版跟日版的citation都標『青い小径』... 偏偏... 這是別的作品啊?囧 日版章節名稱是『夢のふるさと(ゆく水)』,我想這就是台版直接翻譯還不錯的由來。漫畫內部呢,是說"夢のふるさと"是一本書(也就是"夢裡的故鄉")而"ゆく水"("流水")是主角引用讀到的詩。如果現實世界中也是這樣... 註記不是應該就是"夢のふるさと"這本書嗎?跟"青い小径"有什麼關係啦囧(笑死)但詭異的是,雖然"資料上"好像真的是這樣沒錯(哪首詩收錄於拿本書),但看起來是"夢のふるさと"年代久遠沒再版的樣子,反倒是"青い小径"相對有近年來被當標題出版、然後可能也有收錄那樣,貌似簡中的這本書可能是其翻譯,裡面有一篇譯作『梦中的国度』,我覺得相似度太高了、大概就它了吧xD 然後"流水"那首詩本身超短,只有六句喔!本來以為是漫畫用節選,但因為已經沒有版權,網路上是查得到的!好短!
    • Le Jeu de l'amour et du hasard by Pierre de Marivaux
      ☞ English readers, you'd recognize this as The Game of Love and Chance.
  • Vol. 9
    • Don Karlos, Infant von Spanien by Friedrich Schiller
      ☞ English readers, you'd recognize the subject matter as Don Carlos. Unsure what flags to use and I hope it won't be offensive. The German flag has not been adopted while Schiller was alive, but since he was noted to be "German", I think in present day this is still the most recognizable representation.
    • Упустишь огонь — не потушишь by Лев Толстой
      ☞ English readers, you'd recognize this as Quench the Spark or A Spark Neglected Burns the House by Leo Tolstoy.
    • Goodbye, Mr. Chips by James Hilton
  • Vol. 10
    • Goodbye, Mr. Chips by James Hilton
    • Anne of Avonlea by L. M. Montgomery
      (#51&52&53)漫畫中章節名譯為『清秀佳人』。『清秀佳人』似乎是台灣普遍稱Anne of Green Gables這系列(或其之第一集)的名稱;雖然這幾章有提到這整個系列,但其實是以第二本書為主,漫畫中作『安妮的少女情懷』,可能確實有用這個名稱出版過?(Wiki上有, 不過博客來上沒有看到,只有看到『安妮的青春』和『艾凡里的安』這兩種。
    • Deux ans de vacances by Jules Verne
      ☞ English readers, you'd recognize this as Two Years' Vacation.

Again, if you missed the intro, this post is currently WIP.

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