流浪神差 21

青之驅魔師 23

執業魔女Pico Pico 06

燄凰:凝秦遺夢 16


The Alchemists of Loom

The Outs

The Promise Kitchen

The Crooked Sixpence

Food Anatomy

Monday, December 16, 2019

[Series Overview] The Folk of the Air - Holly Black

I started this series on: December 15, 2019
I finished this series on: December 17, 2019 (main series)
Cover editions here updated on: March 3, 2024
Written content here updated on: March 10, 2024

Disclaimer, one you'd see on multiple posts
As I struggled to decide which book series to cover overviews for, it dawned to me that I'd never get started at this rate. It became clear to me that, it's rather unlikely for me to use this blog as my "main" reviewing spot since I have Goodreads for that, and chances of someone miraculously stumbling across this blog out of the countless ones out there, is just rather slim, therefore, I'd put up links to my GR reviews (in English,) and this post would be in Chinese for people who are curious about the series but either aren't comfortable with or just don't prefer reading in English.

Please also note that, sometimes I don't have time to write actual reviews, HOWEVER, I do always put down thoughts when I document my reading status updates, so for GR desktop users, remember to scroll down if it appears to contain little, it'd be under the quotes I liked from that book (when applicable lol;) for mobile app users, remember to switch to "Reading Activity," which would not be the default as "Review" is.

Goodreads Choice Award:三集都入圍Young Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction(201820192020),第二和三集更是該項目贏家!

同世界觀:The Stolen Heir duology

2017年6月第一集書籍未出版前便已宣布film rights被Universal取得[Deadline],但沒有後續消息。

疑似有售出繁中版權?抱歉我沒什麼管道不太會查xD 只是有瞄到TW字眼罷了[Hachette Business Portal]。2020/03/20更新更新,因為吉娃娃的傾囊相授,有找到是哪間出版社拿到的。xDD 然後04/18Amethyst眼尖分享全國新書資訊網有列處來了,所以可以不用賣關子寫出來,是由三采出版ww

The actual review is, as usual, WIP, but like I said above, getting the post out there first.

GR stats (linking default edition) Editions I'm privy to
[Read My Review!]
[Read My Review!]
[Read My Review!]

Series: Unofficial:

Disclaimer, one you'd see on multiple posts
The following section, basically a gallery of editions around the world with different book cover art, is largely inspired by treatments of fellow blogger Amethyst, who unfortunately hasn't done those types of blog posts for a while.

Please DO NOT mistaken the following to be all existing editions; I'm only including completed sets with matching designs. All clickable images are linked to respective editions on GR; people, shelving correct editions ain't that hard. Highly recommend accurate shelving. =D

以下涵蓋11款外加3推銷,記得看全文以觀賞喔 >:3
推銷的兩個說真的我本來不想讓人點文才看得到,但太長了xD 頗推最後那個不是正式的封面w

American English | 美式英文

因為土耳其的封面和其乍看像有些類似,所以有特別放大一些www 封面由Sean Freeman繪製,第二集的封面設計到完成有採訪["Evolution of a Cover: The Wicked King by Holly Black" @ The NOVL]

български | Bulgarian | 保加利亞文 (有聲書)


繁體中文 (台灣) | Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)

封面貌似被炮轟的有點慘xDDD 不看中譯的讀者風涼話(被揍)其實我覺得它如果顏色弄更少一些(三種以內)跟海外其他書籍的愛藏版的封面花紋比,不會居於下風啦,就對稱的圖案嘛xD 我本來寫"現在就看之後會長成什麼樣子了!搞不好三集擺在一起很好看說w (嘛 我通常只要系列設計風格一致,就算不喜歡還是會有好感哈哈,有始有終很重要!)";看完三本封面後感想也差不多xD 頂多覺得世界上出版社提供封面時愛加書腰或弄成立體的,實在很煩www 尤其是你書背也沒弄得多好看的時候(不是特別講這部)因為不曉得會不會有沒有書腰擋住的圖源的一天,所以就先將就放上不太統一的囉!2022五月有好心人幫忙上傳無書腰的封面了www

русский | Russian | 俄文 (Collector's edition)

俄文普通版的用的是原版封面,雖然在別篇有講過特別版基本上在排序上會排後面,但那是指限量且subscription box的情況下,這一套是在出版社官網上有列出,所以擺這邊很合理www(至少合我的理xDDD)有沒有覺得封面選色很妙呢~第一集跟第三集交換的話幾乎跟台版差不多了!台版很有遠見的xD

српски / srpski | Serbian | 塞爾維亞文

Türkçe | Turkish | 土耳其文



украї́нська | Ukrainian | 烏克蘭文

British English | 英式英文 (FairyLoot Collectors)

這個本來希望等實體書寄出後有購買者能提供ISBN再列(我好龜毛xD) 但看到有人在GR上建頁面了,就列上來囉!

British English | 英式英文 (Illumicrate Exclusive)

第一本是Illumicrate 2019年於11月寄送出的收藏箱子[Illumicrate @ Twitter],可參見下方推銷第一項的開箱文傳送門;第二和三集則是2020年4月時公布[Illumicrate @ Twitter][Illumicrate @ Instagram]。配色有點出乎意料但也沒有覺得醜到爆炸之類的哈哈xD

American English | 美式英文 (LitJoy Exclusive)

GR目前封面感覺有色差,可參考箱子官方網站提供的照片[LitJoy賣場]。這套封面是由Micaela Alcaino[繪師官網]設計、可參考看看此特別版的照片[繪師Twitter文一][二][繪師Instagram文]。非常古色古香,而且竟然好評到再刷、二刷也售光!

American English | 美式英文 (OwlCrate Exclusive)


British English | 英式英文 (Books Know No Age)

本來是要鑲嵌繪師Tamar Vashadze[繪師ArtStation]的Tweet*3[繪師Twitter文一][二][三],最後一刻終於搜到這網購(?)社交平台能鑲嵌的版本了QwQ 僅書衣,是因為別的作品才看到的。雖然所在地是英國,但就這系列來說,是很貼心的提供英版及美版的規格[BKNA賣場],不過均已完售。繪師在Instagram上傳稍微多一些[一][二][三]

British English | 英式英文 (Illumicrate Exclusive)
這個我其實掙扎很久,但後來覺得下方那個更不正式的都放上來了,這個好歹也該列一下。這套書衣是由Rosie (rosiethorns88)[繪師官網]以紙雕的型式製成。不像OwlCrate那版讓我列在正式出版的版本,是因為這個真的本來就是只有送書衣,原則上只要書的大小相同,都能拿來包。本來不想列的原因跟我沒有為了Stalking Jack the Ripper多了Fae Crate書衣而開帖是一樣的,因為圖漂亮但就沒封面樣啊囧> 沒有標題!!!!這樣不就真的超同人畫的感覺嗎?但差別在於Illumicrate這個書背是有標的!至少擺在書架真的有模有樣[bookishnerdqueen @ Instagram]!但除了書背之外,有特色歸有特色,我個人是覺得沒有標題真的很可惜啦[acourtofelfhame @ Instagram]... 至於畫風、構圖那些... 我自己其實是看完製作之後才比較讚嘆(被揍)不過可能是因為這部人物角色我在腦中完全沒有想像他們長什麼樣子,所以有點連結不起來xDDD 送上兩個傳送門www Google後覺得介紹當次Illumicrate比較詳細的!Marie → [Unboxing: The Cruel Prince (Illumicrate Collections) @ KookBookery]和Rebecca → [UNBOXING | Illumicrate: The Cruel Prince Special Edition @ Writing Starlight]。最後最後,當然就是得放上什麼來代表這版本,所以鑲嵌rosiethorns88的書衣製作過程幕後解析:

View this post on Instagram

A behind the scenes tour of the original papercraft artwork and concept art for the exclusive dust jackets included in the @illumicrate Collections Edition of #TheCruelPrince by @blackholly. I'm super excited to share this with you all, it was a long process that allowed me to explore lots of new techniques, all inspired by a series I deeply adore. A great send off and celebration for #theQueenOfNothing release. Licensed Artwork (c) Holly Black Timestamps: 0:00 - Dust Jacket gushing 3:15 - Original papercraft reveal 8:11 - New vellum technique 12:05 - Comparing export spreads 14:40 - Concept Art Round 1 18:40 - Concept Art Round 2 22:05 - Concept Art Round 3 31:00 - Cover symbolisms 34:19 - Spine variations Q&A 36:50 - Dust jackets still available? (giveaway explanation) 38:10 - How did I learn to do papercrafting? (cricut explanation) 39:47 - What do I do with the pieces? (led explanation) 41:24 - Selling the concept art as 'Faerie Prints' ( I didn't answer this, but no, it's clearly inspired by #tfota) 41:49 - Are these artworks in the special edition books? 42:35 - More papercraft kits? 43:52 - More giveaways featuring past papercrafts? (Also didn't mention, this excludes exclusive papercrafts) 46:11 - Have I met authors I've done artwork for? 47:05 - How long did it take to make the covers? 48:01 -Photograph techniques? 49:04 - BookCon? 49:10 - Do I make custom pieces / private commissions? 49:58 - A School of Good and Evil papercraft? 50:11 - How do you papercraft without a Cricut? (I didn't really answer this, but the most common technique is to use a lightbox/tracing box to trace and cut paper from an original drawing) 51:08 - Papercraft of the Iron Fey Series? Questions I missed: - Why is Jude purple? )) This is due to lighting. Jude uses the same skin tone paper in both TWK and QON papercrafts, however, the LED lighting cause the colors to react differently. #TCP and #QON had vibrant yellow / pale pink lighting. #TWK used a subtle blue / green lighting, which muddled a lot of the colors - appropriate for an underwater scene. :) - Which Cricut do you use to make these? )) Explore Air 2

A post shared by Rosie ( rosiethorns88 ) (@rosiethorns88) on

This is a set of fan made cover designs by Afterblossom.

我好像是因為看到這個才比較認真考慮要看這部哈哈... 應該是看到Twitter上我有追蹤的人Liked這則[作者retweet],看到作者都推了那還是點圖放大認真看一下xDD 真的建議放大看,我本來以為是繪師放一堆浮水印、怕別人盜圖,想說那是繪師名字嗎;放大看然後看留言才喔喔,好的www 看到封面上寫了一堆Jude,想說發生了什麼事好恐怖好執著好那我看一下好了(喂喂)從留言判斷這個決定是有和內容呼應的,就覺得很有心那樣哈哈。封面本身我是很喜歡第一集,後兩集還好。但選用色系會讓我想到Feifei Ruan和Victo Ngai的調調,所以真的還算推x] 我本來是只有要鑲嵌繪師最初公布的那則Tweet,但中間他有短暫限制權限,所以連帶也鑲嵌一下Instagram的發文:

Cover editions update log:
  • 2022/7/1: Serbian
  • 2022/10/17: Russian (Collector's edition)
  • 2023/2/6: LitJoy Exclusive
  • 2024/3/3: Books Know No Age (dust jacket only)

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