流浪神差 21

青之驅魔師 23

執業魔女Pico Pico 06

燄凰:凝秦遺夢 16


The Alchemists of Loom

The Outs

The Promise Kitchen

The Crooked Sixpence

Food Anatomy

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

[Series Overview] The Drowning Empire - Andrea Stewart

I started this series on: October 29, 2023
I finished this series on: November 4, 2023
Cover editions here updated on: January 18, 2024
Written content here updated on: November 4, 2023

Disclaimer, one you'd see on multiple posts
As I struggled to decide which book series to cover overviews for, it dawned to me that I'd never get started at this rate. It became clear to me that, it's rather unlikely for me to use this blog as my "main" reviewing spot since I have Goodreads for that, and chances of someone miraculously stumbling across this blog out of the countless ones out there, is just rather slim, therefore, I'd put up links to my GR reviews (in English,) and this post would be in Chinese for people who are curious about the series but either aren't comfortable with or just don't prefer reading in English.

Please also note that, sometimes I don't have time to write actual reviews, HOWEVER, I do always put down thoughts when I document my reading status updates, so for GR desktop users, remember to scroll down if it appears to contain little, it'd be under the quotes I liked from that book (when applicable lol;) for mobile app users, remember to switch to "Reading Activity," which would not be the default as "Review" is.

Goodreads Choice Award:第一集入圍FantasyDebut Novel

The actual review is, as usual, WIP, but like I said above, getting the post out there first.

GR stats (linking default edition) Editions I'm privy to
[Read My Review!]
[Read My Review!]
[Read My Review!]


Disclaimer, one you'd see on multiple posts
The following section, basically a gallery of editions around the world with different book cover art, is largely inspired by treatments of fellow blogger Amethyst, who unfortunately hasn't done those types of blog posts for a while.

Please DO NOT mistaken the following to be all existing editions; I'm only including completed sets with matching designs. All clickable images are linked to respective editions on GR; people, shelving correct editions ain't that hard. Highly recommend accurate shelving. =D

American English | 美式英文 (平裝)

Français | French | 法文

Cover editions update log:
  • 2024/1/18: French

Friday, October 27, 2023

[Series Overview] Once Upon a Broken Heart trilogy - Stephanie Garber

I started this series on: October 27, 2023
I finished this series on: October 29, 2023
Cover editions here updated on: January 17, 2025
Written content here updated on: October 29, 2023

Disclaimer, one you'd see on multiple posts
As I struggled to decide which book series to cover overviews for, it dawned to me that I'd never get started at this rate. It became clear to me that, it's rather unlikely for me to use this blog as my "main" reviewing spot since I have Goodreads for that, and chances of someone miraculously stumbling across this blog out of the countless ones out there, is just rather slim, therefore, I'd put up links to my GR reviews (in English,) and this post would be in Chinese for people who are curious about the series but either aren't comfortable with or just don't prefer reading in English.

Please also note that, sometimes I don't have time to write actual reviews, HOWEVER, I do always put down thoughts when I document my reading status updates, so for GR desktop users, remember to scroll down if it appears to contain little, it'd be under the quotes I liked from that book (when applicable lol;) for mobile app users, remember to switch to "Reading Activity," which would not be the default as "Review" is.

Goodreads Choice Award:三集都入圍Young Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction(202120222023

同世界觀:Caraval trilogy

不曉得作者和出版社為什麼要隱藏(沒有特意明寫),還蠻多人表示正式的出版資訊文案裡其實看不出來跟前作有沒有關係,害我自己一度也有些遲疑😅 就算是不想靠前作光環(跟部分不好的名聲),這部要完全分割可能會有點困難,畢竟男主角過去的情史(前作情節)有被提到😂 時間線也超近;我認知停留在僅知道是同世界觀的作品時,還以為會是要探討造就男主性格的更早情史(前傳之類的)或是隔好幾代後的故事,結果... 我後面解釋xP (注意我的用詞;我並沒有說前作是必讀,只是兩者不能撇清關係而已)


GR stats (linking default edition) Editions I'm privy to
[Read My Review!]
[Read My Review!]
[Read My Review!]

Series: Unofficial:

我前作的網誌基本上沒寫跟書籍劇情實際有關的事,對我來而言,最有感而發的竟然是它的出版史😂 感覺有點對不起它,而且因為跟這部有一咪咪關聯,所以我在這邊稍為補償一下嗯。前作讀者反映大略可以分成四種:全部都好看到爆(鐵粉到底)、全部都難看到爆(分支含中途棄坑者)、第一集好好看(但第二集怎麼了?)和第二集開始好看(第一集能吃嗎)。前兩種就不用討論了,後兩種攸關到能享受本作與否。第一集很單純,有個遊戲叫Caraval,end of story(被揍死)(如果沒有很明顯,我是第二集派的😂)

好啦,重來。有一對姊妹。姊姊Scarlett第一集去玩Caraval,妹妹Donatella第二集玩,兩個人都玩,所以差別在哪?差別在第二集引進全新概念:the Fates跟the Deck of Destiny[Wikia/Fandom]。見仁見智,但我覺得這邊就是作者有努力去做世界觀設定的地方xDDD 可能是因為有點庫洛牌的既視感所以我沒有覺得設定多很麻煩?嗯。噢,提一下,我執筆的當下,前作已經差不多忘光了,所以若與實際有出入請包涵。

好了,總之the Fates被釋放,開始作怪。第三集就是很嚴重的作怪。嗯。所以和本作的關聯是?本作第一集是這樣,女主Evangeline Fox去The Prince of Hearts的教堂許了個願,剛好碰到本人,允了and it went horribly wrong,Evangeline為了挽救情況犧牲自己、石化(原由大家請自己去看),石化了六週。從本作第一集的資訊,她石化前與The Prince of Hearts碰面應該發生在前作第二集以前,解石化後,前作第三集已發生(才剛發生不久)。(解石化之後才是本作主要劇情的開始,之後再看有沒有時間跟心情補上。)所以,本作跟前作時間點沒有差太多。如果對the Fates一點興趣都沒有(非前作第二集派),哇,那除非是獨鍾意The Prince of Hearts,不然本作可能不大有吸引力?它持續發展此世界觀的lore,這點是我覺得前作第一集沒什麼發揮的。喔然後,就不故意不講了,真的有吸血鬼,我已經直接whatever了😂

The actual review is, as usual, WIP, but like I said above, getting the post out there first.

Disclaimer, one you'd see on multiple posts
The following section, basically a gallery of editions around the world with different book cover art, is largely inspired by treatments of fellow blogger Amethyst, who unfortunately hasn't done those types of blog posts for a while.

Please DO NOT mistaken the following to be all existing editions; I'm only including completed sets with matching designs. All clickable images are linked to respective editions on GR; people, shelving correct editions ain't that hard. Highly recommend accurate shelving. =D

以下涵蓋8款外加2推銷,記得看全文以觀賞喔 >:3

American English | 美式英文

我在這邊鄭重向出版社道歉😂,第一集封面公佈時,我真的沒保留的嘲笑一番。實際讀了第一集,很快(第二章)就收回了。也不是說覺得這是什麼絕世之作,但設計者用心處終於有傳達到:顏色。之前無感是因為文案並沒有提及,但女主的髮色是rose gold,真的是詞一出現我恍然大悟,那個要粉紅不夠粉紅的顏色終於made sense了。

美版出版前若有pre-order,則會贈送限定書衣[作者Facebook分享文一][二][三],由Sally Pham繪製[繪師官網][繪師作品集]。如果有官方帳號(出版社/作者/繪師)在社交平台一次分享三集這版本的照片,歡迎告訴我、我再把這版本分割出來~

British English | 英式英文

العاميه المصريه | Egyptian Arabic | 埃及阿拉伯文


bahasa Indonesia | Indonesian | 印尼文

印尼版我覺得有點inspired by英版的封面,差別是我覺得英版是用諸多圖庫的圖拼湊出來的,印尼應該是有繪師特別畫的,還沒找到是誰,知道的人歡迎分享~

română | Romanian | 羅馬尼亞文


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