This very post itself, is, unfortunately, actually published in 2021 and also backdated. To be fair, this is once again one of those I've actually had it all thought out; it didn't get released in time because by the end of 2019, I came really close to not finishing what I've planned to read, and those took my first priority. And then 2020 was quite crazy, hence the further delay!
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2019 Reading Challenge
Sammm [involuntarily somewhat on hiatus] has
completed her goal of reading
85 books in
So what's different here is that I'm going to rank what I've read, but limited to series that concluded or standalones, extras, and compilations published in this year. With what I've read in 2019, it should make it more than enough for a fun ranking. Ladies and gents, drum roll....!
Note: First books of series represent said entire series. I know the cut-off was the final book, but I believe people are usually more familiar with the cover and title of first installments so.
In case people don't feel like counting, there are 18 series and standalones in total. The reason why some have been stacked, is because, 1 per slot made the ranking list lengthy, which in itself isn't too big of a deal, however, I feel bad for the ones closer to the bottom. It really wasn't like "it's the second to the last place"; trust me, certain gaps are super huge. Since it's still not reflecting well enough, I figure grouping what I feel the similar amount of like, would make me feel less guilty, haha.
That said, my feelings for some really are close, and I've already tweaked the ranking once after publishing it! Mainly groups #3 and #4; like, it's so hard when, for some, I enjoyed so much, felt so much, at the time of reading, but shortly afterwards, barely remember anything in them! Could I honestly say 'they are great series, I love them!' even though they are out of my mind, so quick? lol In contrast, there are those with aspects I love along with aspects I don't care for, yet the strong feeling stayed, even though my overall impression towards their entire series may not be great. But yeah, the top and bottom likely won't change ahaha. And there you have it!
What series concluded or standalone published in 2019 do you like the most? Feel free to share!