流浪神差 21

青之驅魔師 23

執業魔女Pico Pico 06

燄凰:凝秦遺夢 16


The Alchemists of Loom

The Outs

The Promise Kitchen

The Crooked Sixpence

Food Anatomy

Saturday, December 12, 2015

[Food in Books] The Hollow Boy (Lockwood & Co. #3) - Jonathan Stroud

  • Ch. 7
    • Arif’s buns with almond icing (Lockwood’s favorites)
  • Ch. 11
    • Whole-wheat waffle
    • Toast
  • Ch. 18
    • Honey biscuits
  • Ch. 19
    • Tuna sandwich
  • Ch. 24
    • Choco Leibniz biscuits
      “Blimey,” Lockwood said, “it isn’t you who’s been pinching my stash of Choco Leibniz biscuits from my desk drawer, is it? I always thought it was George.”

      “No. That wasn’t me.”

      “Then it is George…that little devil. Or I suppose it might have been Holly…”

Monday, December 7, 2015

Saturday, December 5, 2015

[Food in Books] The Screaming Staircase (Lockwood & Co. #1) - Jonathan Stroud

  • Ch. 2
    • Pitkin Brothers' tea
      When you go out hunting wicked spirits, it’s the simple things that matter most. The silvered point of your rapier flashing in the dark; the iron filings scattered on the floor; the sealed canisters of best Greek Fire, ready as a last resort . . . But tea bags, brown and fresh and plenty of them, and made (for preference) by Pitkin Brothers of Bond Street, are perhaps the simplest and best of all.
    • Forlorn biscuit
  • Ch. 6
    • Arif's doughnuts
  • Ch. 7
    • Cheese on toast

[Series Overview] Lockwood & Co. - Jonathan Stroud

I started this series on: September 6, 2015
I finished this series on: September 17, 2017
Cover editions here updated on: January 24, 2025
Written content here updated on: November 7, 2023

Disclaimer, one you'd see on multiple posts
As I struggled to decide which book series to cover overviews for, it dawned to me that I'd never get started at this rate. It became clear to me that, it's rather unlikely for me to use this blog as my "main" reviewing spot since I have Goodreads for that, and chances of someone miraculously stumbling across this blog out of the countless ones out there, is just rather slim, therefore, I'd put up links to my GR reviews (in English,) and this post would be in Chinese for people who are curious about the series but either aren't comfortable with or just don't prefer reading in English.

Please also note that, sometimes I don't have time to write actual reviews, HOWEVER, I do always put down thoughts when I document my reading status updates, so for GR desktop users, remember to scroll down if it appears to contain little, it'd be under the quotes I liked from that book (when applicable lol;) for mobile app users, remember to switch to "Reading Activity," which would not be the default as "Review" is.

Goodreads Choice Award:五集都入圍Middle Grade & Children's(20132014201520162017

系列的film rights早在2012年10月,連第一集書都還沒出版前,就宣布由Illumination Entertainment和Universal Pictures取得[Variety][作者Tumblr文],但之後就完全沒有消息。直到2017年9月才又有改編的消息,不過這次的媒介是影集[Deadline],但也是釋放消息後目前沒有下文。2020年5月揭曉當初人馬相繼離開新創公司,然後變成要製作Netflix影集啦[Variety]!同年12月宣布確定greenlit會拍[Variety][Deadline]

影集...(評論還沒整理好但會獨立一篇啦😅)我是真的覺得,在團隊決定8集拍小說兩集內容的時候,已經很不錯了。我完全認為是疫情害的,沒能繼續很可惜。到2025還是有很多搶救聲量,但對演員來說是有點困難的。粉絲真的很可憐(喂) 所以在2023年11月的時候,宣佈要改編成漫畫[作者Twitter文],由位於義大利但活躍於法國漫畫出版界的漫畫家Rachele Raka[漫畫家官網][漫畫家Twitter]操刀,會率先在法國出版,但目前還沒有下文。

I'm still in the process of sorting out the editions I'm privy to, so some are missing.

GR stats (linking default edition) Editions I'm privy to
[Read My Review!]
[List of Food!]
[Read My Review!]
[List of Food!]
[Read My Review!]
[List of Food!]
[Read My Review!]
[Read My Review!]

Series: Unofficial:

這部我超愛到慘死,而且是那種"我可以罵,但別人不可以罵的"狂熱xDDD 會這麼說是因為這部有點功虧一簣,在最後一集的時候出現了很違逆世界觀設定的情節,但無視於這個過失的話,它嗶嗶超perfect,超perfect!(需要重申)(笑死)我覺得呢,可能因為MG在GR上一直給我Rick Riordan一手遮天的感覺,所以我大概下意識認為看MG的人不太多(不然就是有看的都是看Riordan的)(我指的是近期10年來的作品,經典的不算)。會這樣想還有另外兩個原因,一個是,我對真正MG年齡層的小孩可能抱有很錯的偏見,就是想說,現在的小孩誰會看書(被揍)xDD,另一個是因為剛好這部出版之後,有兩個都算頗成功的YA作家挑戰寫MG,人氣和評價皆看似尚可(我兩部都沒看過,大概也不會想看,但我還是給個連結喔w[範例一][範例二])。因此當我相中這部時,整個就是如獲至寶、整個被震撼到了啦!重點是喜愛程度沒有隨著時光而流逝。我沒有認為它沒有缺陷,但說它完美是因為有那些小地方我還是愛得不行w

GR是我和這部的媒人(喂喂),因為在Choice Awards看到它,而當時網站的書籍頁面還有試聽有聲書的功能,聽了幾句覺得氣氛超不錯,就給了個機會,然後就入坑了哈哈。作品出版期間我常常會感嘆它太underrated了、太少人知道了等等,但是幾年後回顧,看看它的評分數量,我覺得它fan base很扎實xD 而且最讓我高興的是,不是我幻覺,讀reviews便可知這真是一部老少閒宜的作品!並不是看的人都是專看MG才看,真的很多是愛看YA,或是根本頗有年紀的讀者!如果你不是小孩也沒在長大後看過MG,我寫前面這串的用意就是要說:不要因為這部是MG就直接認定不會合你胃口而錯過它呀!

啊然後寫這麼多還沒介紹作品是在講什麼,還真感謝大家(有人嗎?)的包含。所以,來吧!世界觀是我們的alternate世界,差別在於19世紀中爆發了"the Problem"(絕版中譯作"靈擾爆發"),就是幽靈數量暴增!嚴重了影響人類作息,因為只在晚間出沒,且僅能被孩童看見,因此成人的夜生活基本上就是沒有,回家保命要緊吧!科技發展也因此與我們現實生活大不同,因為所有人都在致力尋找解決"the Problem"的辦法,沒人有空去發明電腦或手機唉。(但電話、車子這些是有的喔)嗯。這樣的環境造就了特有行業:看得到鬼的年齡範圍內的人,通常資質夠就會去當Agent(絕版中譯作"調查員"),這部作品講述倫敦最小的Agency:就是作品名啦!Lockwood & Co.(絕版中譯作"洛克伍德調查事務所")成員歷經的案件。不知道Lockwood & Co.是事務所名稱、或是受英版前三集封面影響的人,大概會以為這系列主角是Lockwood,並不是xDDD 不用擔心,Lockwood確實也是主角之一,但只選一位的話,主角毫無疑問是女主Lucy。全系列皆是透過她的視角講述。(因此英版封面不是沒有抱怨的聲音,就"還要誤導別人到什麼時候"那樣xP)

這部我能掏心掏肺的真的很多w 不過我還是先挑當時算有爭議性的事情來講哇哈哈(其實根本就是小事ww)Lockwood & Co.因為前兩集的業績極佳,在第三集的時候受雇數暴增,已超出當時僅有的三位成員的負荷量,便聘請了一名助理,卻也導致事務所成員dynamic變動(不會變才奇怪啦!)這名助理是Holly,一位非常有條理的女生。我只能說,我個人的感覺是Lucy覺得自己的地盤被侵犯、地位可能也會被取代,頗受威脅,就不喜歡現狀的改變。我覺得有趣的是,雖是從Lucy的視角講敘述,她舉的一些兩人互動的例子,其實沒有很針鋒相對,用詞都很禮貌,但是我是有感覺到Lucy一直覺得自己被"什麼事情都完美的"Holly給judge,所以她才很不喜歡。我後來是歸納Lucy自己太沒自信,自己覺得自己不夠好,就投射自己的想法、認為別人也都用這樣的眼光在看她。

當然,這是我個人的見解,會說有爭議,是因為這一集,大量reviews都在批不滿作者的girl-on-girl hate,很多很受不了Lucy,覺得她為什麼突然變得很愛抱怨,但很多也站在她這方,把Holly罵得相當難聽。我呢,當我看完第四集的時候,真的是鼻子翹得不行。因為我真的就是從頭到尾不覺得Holly是個討人厭、假仙、做作的人,只是合不合得來的問題。和你合不來的人不代表那個人一定是個罪該萬死的糟糕人。我也沒有覺得Lucy是在Holly出現後才突然變得愛婊人;這系列我重溫很多次,Lucy其實就是一個很愛嫌別人的人啊xDDD 只是對象變成了戲份多的女生,突然才一堆人意識到這件事。在這之前她除了Lockwood之外,到底沒批評過誰?我家George跟Kipps一開始也是被她罵的很難聽咧,是男生就沒關係呀?xDDD 講是因為覺得如果有人因為看到第三集評論很多講這事而就不看了,我是覺得很可惜啦!到底有沒有一些人所謂的女主"個性轉變",這真的要自己看了之後才知道,而且再怎麼樣,前兩集也沒有Holly,不確定的人至少可以放心閱讀那兩集(喂喂)。

可能會等一陣子才會編輯完,所以先友情贊助一下Disclaimer裡不斷提及、一點也不需要我贊助的Amethyst於2014年就po好的文 → [洛克靈異偵探社 Lockwood & Co. @ 紫憶的異想世界];舊封面、台灣繁中版等等可以去那邊逛逛w

The actual review is, as usual, WIP, but like I said above, getting the post out there first.

Disclaimer, one you'd see on multiple posts
The following section, basically a gallery of editions around the world with different book cover art, is largely inspired by treatments of fellow blogger Amethyst, who unfortunately hasn't done those types of blog posts for a while.

Please DO NOT mistaken the following to be all existing editions; I'm only including completed sets with matching designs. All clickable images are linked to respective editions on GR; people, shelving correct editions ain't that hard. Highly recommend accurate shelving. =D

以下涵蓋7款,記得看全文以觀賞喔 >:3

British English | 英式英文

American English | 美式英文

български | Bulgarian | 保加利亞文

繁體中文 (台灣) | Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)

Friday, July 31, 2015

[Food in Books] Darke (Septimus Heap #6) - Angie Sage

Originally first compiled and posted at the Septimus Heap Wiki.

  • Ch. 1
    • Pie at Harbor and Dock Pie Shop
      "Pies ready in ten minutes. I’ll save you a veg and bacon one!"
  • Ch. 3
    • At Sally Mullin's Tea and Ale House
      Piled on the table were the remains of Sarah’s famous sausage and bean hot pot supper, and now everyone had gathered around the blazing fire, drinking herb tea.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

[Food in Books] Syren (Septimus Heap #5) - Angie Sage

Originally first compiled and posted at the Septimus Heap Wiki.

  • Prologue
    • Café's menu
      They are looking at scrawls on a chalkboard offering three varieties of fish, something called Pot Luck Stew and a steak from an animal that no one has ever heard of.
    • What the gang ate
      They watch Nicko demolish numerous plates of odd-shaped fish garnished with a variety of seaweed and a thick red steak with white bristles on its rind, which he feeds to Ullr after one mouthful. Nicko is at last eating his final dish—a long white fish with a lot of tiny bones and a reproachful stare. Jenna, Beetle and Snorri have just finished a communal bowl of harbor dessert—baked apples sprinkled with sweet crumble and covered with chocolate sauce.
      (all from a seedy café on Harbor Number One)

Sunday, July 26, 2015

[Food in Books] Queste (Septimus Heap #4) - Angie Sage

Under construction.
Originally first compiled and posted at the Septimus Heap Wiki.

  • Prologue
    • Pickled herring
  • Ch. 9
    • Lemon lumps
    • Ferocious fizzes
    • Licorice snake
      (all from Ma Custard's All-Day All-Night Sweet Shop)
  • Ch. 32
    • Banana-and-bacon chew
      (Ma Custard's)
  • Ch. 35
    • A packet of rainbow chewy turtles
      (Ma Custard's)

Saturday, July 18, 2015

[Food in Books] Physik (Septimus Heap #3) - Angie Sage

Under construction.
Originally first compiled and posted at the Septimus Heap Wiki.

  • Ch. 36
    • Mint chocolates
      It was full of what looked like thick gold coins, but they smelled like mint chocolates. Jenna picked one up, scraped away some of the thin gold leaf and tentatively licked the dark, bitter chocolate. Unable to resist, she popped the rest of the mint into her mouth. It melted in the most wonderful mix of mint and chocolate that she had ever tasted.
    • Hot drink and squashy sweets
      Broda had returned carrying a tray of tall glasses filled with a hot misty-looking drink and a gold plate of delicate pink and green squashy sweets covered in a dusting of soft sugar. She offered them to Jenna, who took a pink one. It was like nothing Jenna had eaten before – smooth and chewy at the same time, and it tasted of a wonderful aromatic mixture of rose petals, honey and lemon. The misty drink was less wonderful. It tasted bitter, but it was hot, and Jenna was enjoying sitting beside Broda's fire.
  • Ch. 42
    • Hot mulled wine and savory biscuits
      Inside the cabin, a table was set with a jug of hot mulled wine and a plate of savory biscuits; around the table were comfortable seats covered in Royal Red rugs and cushions. In the middle of the cabin, a small stove was glowing with a blaze of seasoned apple logs and aromatic herbs, which filled the cabin with a warming and welcoming fragrance.

Friday, July 17, 2015

[Food in Books] Flyte (Septimus Heap #2) - Angie Sage

Under construction.
Originally first compiled and posted at the Septimus Heap Wiki.

  • Ch. 1
    • Chocolate Taste Charm
      Take me, shake me,
      and I will make thee:
      Quetzalcoatl's Tchocolatl.
  • Ch. 9
    • FizzFroot
      FizzFroot was a favorite drink of both himself and Septimus; it was made from an everlasting FizzBom spell that the Manuscriptorium had refurbished for someone who had never collected it. The drink was actually ice-cold but needed boiling water to activate it.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

[Food in Books] Magyk (Septimus Heap #1) - Angie Sage

Under construction.
Originally first compiled and posted at the Septimus Heap Wiki.

  • Ch. 9
    • Barley cake
    • Springo Special Ale
      (both from Sally Mullin's Tea and Ale House)
  • Ch. 15
    • Cold, lumpy porridge
    • Chocolate, sugar and milk

Saturday, May 2, 2015

[Series Overview] Beautiful Creatures series (Caster Chronicles) - Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl

I started this series on: May 2, 2015
I finished this series on: July 17, 2016 (technically still not finished)
Cover editions here updated on: March 23, 2020
Written content here updated on: July 17, 2016

Disclaimer, one you'd see on multiple posts
As I struggled to decide which book series to cover overviews for, it dawned to me that I'd never get started at this rate. It became clear to me that, it's rather unlikely for me to use this blog as my "main" reviewing spot since I have Goodreads for that, and chances of someone miraculously stumbling across this blog out of the countless ones out there, is just rather slim, therefore, I'd put up links to my GR reviews (in English,) and this post would be in Chinese for people who are curious about the series but either aren't comfortable with or just don't prefer reading in English.

Please also note that, sometimes I don't have time to write actual reviews, HOWEVER, I do always put down thoughts when I document my reading status updates, so for GR desktop users, remember to scroll down if it appears to contain little, it'd be under the quotes I liked from that book (when applicable lol;) for mobile app users, remember to switch to "Reading Activity," which would not be the default as "Review" is.

Goodreads Choice Award:第一集入圍Young Adult Fiction(2009)、第二集入圍Young Adult Fantasy(2010

因為並沒有很喜歡這部,所以心得完全沒在priority內,倒是可以去逛逛續作Dangerous Creatures,那篇我寫的比較多哈哈w 因為會等一陣子才會編輯完,所以先友情贊助一下Disclaimer裡不斷提及、一點也不需要我贊助的Amethyst於2013年就po好的文 → [美麗魔物 Caster Chronicles @ 紫憶的異想世界];電影資訊、台灣繁中版等等可以去那邊逛逛w

The actual review is, as usual, WIP, but like I said above, getting the post out there first.

I'm still in the process of sorting out the editions I'm privy to, so some are missing.

GR stats (linking default edition) Editions I'm privy to
[Read My Review!]
[Read My Review!]
[Read My Review!]

Kami Garcia:
Margaret Stohl:
Series: Unofficial:

Disclaimer, one you'd see on multiple posts
The following section, basically a gallery of editions around the world with different book cover art, is largely inspired by treatments of fellow blogger Amethyst, who unfortunately hasn't done those types of blog posts for a while.

Please DO NOT mistaken the following to be all existing editions; I'm only including completed sets with matching designs. All clickable images are linked to respective editions on GR; people, shelving correct editions ain't that hard. Highly recommend accurate shelving. =D

以下涵蓋9款,記得看全文以觀賞喔 >:3

American English | 美式英文

български | Bulgarian | 保加利亞文

čeština | Czech | 捷克文

Nederlands | Dutch | 荷蘭文

suomi | Finnish | 芬蘭文

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