流浪神差 21

青之驅魔師 23

執業魔女Pico Pico 06

燄凰:凝秦遺夢 16


The Alchemists of Loom

The Outs

The Promise Kitchen

The Crooked Sixpence

Food Anatomy

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

[Series Overview] The Poppy War trilogy - R.F. Kuang

I started this series on: November 14, 2020
I finished this series on: December 1, 2020 (main series)
Cover editions here updated on: October 15, 2024
Written content here updated on: December 1, 2020

Disclaimer, one you'd see on multiple posts
As I struggled to decide which book series to cover overviews for, it dawned to me that I'd never get started at this rate. It became clear to me that, it's rather unlikely for me to use this blog as my "main" reviewing spot since I have Goodreads for that, and chances of someone miraculously stumbling across this blog out of the countless ones out there, is just rather slim, therefore, I'd put up links to my GR reviews (in English,) and this post would be in Chinese for people who are curious about the series but either aren't comfortable with or just don't prefer reading in English.

Please also note that, sometimes I don't have time to write actual reviews, HOWEVER, I do always put down thoughts when I document my reading status updates, so for GR desktop users, remember to scroll down if it appears to contain little, it'd be under the quotes I liked from that book (when applicable lol;) for mobile app users, remember to switch to "Reading Activity," which would not be the default as "Review" is.

Goodreads Choice Award:三集都入圍Fantasy(201820192020),第一集則另外入圍Debut Author

2020年12月揭曉Starlight Media有意製作成影集[Deadline]


The actual review is, as usual, WIP, but like I said above, getting the post out there first.

GR stats (links and covers represented by default edition) Editions I'm privy to
[Read My Review!]
[Read My Review!]
[Read My Review!]
Series (unofficial):

Disclaimer, one you'd see on multiple posts
The following section, basically a gallery of editions around the world with different book cover art, is largely inspired by treatments of fellow blogger Amethyst, who unfortunately hasn't done those types of blog posts for a while.

Please DO NOT mistaken the following to be all existing editions; I'm only including completed sets with matching designs. All clickable images are linked to respective editions on GR; people, shelving correct editions ain't that hard. Highly recommend accurate shelving. =D

以下涵蓋13款外加1推銷,記得看全文以觀賞喔 >:3

American English | 美式英文

български | Bulgarian | 保加利亞文

hrvatski | Croatian | 克羅埃西亞文

dansk | Danish | 丹麥文


Deutsch | German | 德文

bahasa Indonesia | Indonesian | 印尼文

polski | Polish | 波蘭文 (平裝一)(broszurowe)

Monday, November 2, 2020

[Series Overview] Empirium - Claire Legrand

I started this series on: October 31, 2020
I finished this series on: November 10, 2020
Cover editions here updated on: April 22, 2024
Written content here updated on: June 28, 2023

Disclaimer, one you'd see on multiple posts
As I struggled to decide which book series to cover overviews for, it dawned to me that I'd never get started at this rate. It became clear to me that, it's rather unlikely for me to use this blog as my "main" reviewing spot since I have Goodreads for that, and chances of someone miraculously stumbling across this blog out of the countless ones out there, is just rather slim, therefore, I'd put up links to my GR reviews (in English,) and this post would be in Chinese for people who are curious about the series but either aren't comfortable with or just don't prefer reading in English.

Please also note that, sometimes I don't have time to write actual reviews, HOWEVER, I do always put down thoughts when I document my reading status updates, so for GR desktop users, remember to scroll down if it appears to contain little, it'd be under the quotes I liked from that book (when applicable lol;) for mobile app users, remember to switch to "Reading Activity," which would not be the default as "Review" is.

這部請大家等我一下(笑死)已預定GR那邊的心得第二集會詳細舉例為什麼我個人真的很厭惡雙女主其中之一wwww 我在Facebook上斷續地發了超多牢騷,超感謝大家包容我xDDD 不直接整理在這邊是因為會太長xP 大家可以一起祈禱俄國把這三部曲出完www 目前只有它是不同的封面,全部出完我就會分開發帖了哈哈wwww

我本來還想說2020年的GR Choice Awards,要不要投(幾乎更確定會是廢票的)它的最後一集,但它的第一集當時就快要把我推入reading slump囧。不是說不好看,就雙女主然後兩個我都很想甩巴掌(遠目)後來讓我一直翻白眼好難過🙄️ 還為此去問有沒有人知道狗男女用英文怎麼講xDDD(被揍)(但我超認真)就真的很想吐槽但只想得到中文😂 而且是男女主角 我好痛苦😭

講實話,我印象中很多人抱怨Shadow and BoneThe Young Elites的兩位女主,我自己本身沒有太大感觸(因為有其他人事物轉移焦點)。Empirium是雙女主然後兩個我都覺得很雞歪,哪個POV都逃不掉嗚嗚嗚 (但第二集後面視點有增加就稍微比較能喘息了😂) S&B男女主角我無感我也都很成功忽略(笑死),這部我不行;會看得那麼慢的一大原因是沒幾句就出現很雞歪的話,讓我要暫停然後highlight好之後可以舉例好好婊(順便翻白眼加深呼吸)

然後,裡面有sex scene... 但因為是feature讓我倒胃的角色,我撐過去之後整個就暫停,跑去看漫畫和同人小說來安慰一下自己。😂 第一集是另一個女主...(就狗男女我實在很難覺得sexy啦🙄️) 第二集沒那反感但佔篇幅到底是寫給誰看的啦唉。我真的有考慮要放棄,但是我今年有看過不少部我第一集覺得蠻難看但第二集就破天荒覺得蠻好看的系列,想說公平起見這部也要比照辦理哈哈。後來因為看到作者其實想要以這部出道但被拒絕無數次,就想說她成功了,還是看一下她那麼拼命想出版的是怎樣的作品😂(第一集作者後序寫她14年前就醞釀了,然後只能擱置)

不過,其實故事還是有看點啦!只是我個人覺得雙女主的其中一個跟她的伴侶真的很無腦又很噁爛;啊另一個女主是防禦性小刺蝟所以也不討喜。作品如果有很棒棒的配角就好了,但都很還好那樣。個人觀點啦 搞不好有人會很喜歡也不一定😂(印象中我好像看reviews真的看到一些欣賞兩位雙女主的人哈哈)但我真的不行www 原因如下~

女主A(狗男女的女方) 就... 內心真的蠻醜陋的我覺得。做了一些不好的事(可以找藉口說是意外,但種種行為加起來就很難覺得她是好人),她朋友叫她隱瞞(因為公布真相對女主A不利) 啊想當然事跡敗露了所以遭人唾棄,女主A自怨自艾然後又把過錯都堆到她朋友身上,說是妳叫我說謊的都妳害的 乾 她是有把刀子架在妳脖子上逼妳嗎? 明明自己也逃避責任逃避的很爽是在叫什麼叫啦(而且我印象中明明她自己很順口撒謊的)

就,為什麼可以有這麼不負責任的人,千錯萬錯都是別人的錯,別人罵她是怪物,就崩潰說,是你說我是怪物的,我就當怪物吧!乾,別人沒說妳是怪物前妳的作為就很怪物了,自以為正當化我真的翻白眼翻不夠🙄️ 然後現在變成一堆人要去求她原諒,說不應該罵成那樣;拜託,不想被罵怪物就別做怪物般的事!重點是這個人都要當媽了,可不可以不要這麼幼稚。她目前榮登我最厭惡的女主寶座,能贏過Renegades那位真的很不簡單!是反面教材,希望讀者能學會不要當人渣之類的嗎唉。

我前面負能量宣洩很多,感到很心虛(被揍),所以平衡一下來讚美(超認真)~這部,喜歡「血腥/打打殺殺/死狀淒慘/爾虞我詐/女性不輸男性風流豪放/情人眼裡出西施/真愛萬歲/時光旅行頭很痛但照樣看」的人,應該還是蠻有看點的啦哈哈 😄

The actual review is, as usual, WIP, but like I said above, getting the post out there first.

GR stats (links and covers represented by default edition) Editions I'm privy to
[Read My Review!]
[Read My Review!]
[Read My Review!]

Series: Unofficial:

Disclaimer, one you'd see on multiple posts
The following section, basically a gallery of editions around the world with different book cover art, is largely inspired by treatments of fellow blogger Amethyst, who unfortunately hasn't done those types of blog posts for a while.

Please DO NOT mistaken the following to be all existing editions; I'm only including completed sets with matching designs. All clickable images are linked to respective editions on GR; people, shelving correct editions ain't that hard. Highly recommend accurate shelving. =D

American English | 美式英文

British English | 英式英文 (Illumicrate Exclusive)

這要感謝Amethyst在Facebook上轉發(舊版本,見下方鑲嵌),不然我可能不會馬上發現這版本!目前GR上也還沒有人建立頁面。可參考箱子官方網站提供的照片[Illumicrate賣場],Twitter鑲嵌不習慣的話也有[箱子Instagram文]。我個人沒有很喜歡這種風格,但恭喜這部作品又拓展觀眾群了~啊不過微可惜的是,消息公布不久後,就因為發現是以AI製圖而中止製作最初公佈的版本[箱子Facebook文]目前尚無進一步消息。多個月後終於公佈新設計啦(如上方鑲嵌),由繪師 Madison Brake[繪師官網]作畫。


American English | 美式英文 (Fox & Wit Exclusive)
確定三本都有推出書衣的時候就馬上著手要分開發文,完全忘記去確認到底有沒有符合我自己『能列』的標準xDDD 後來發現okay的!這篇因為同樣是至少書背有書名,所以決定可以發帖這系列了哈哈~(由官方帳號釋出的佐證尋找困難,目前僅列出透過拍賣網站上找到的照片[第二集][第二和三集])。這套書衣是由Kira Night[繪師官網]作畫、可參考看看此書衣部分原圖[繪師Instagram文一][二][三]。書衣本身我沒有覺得超好看,但很高興終於有不一樣的封面哈哈xDDDD 與往常該盒子的情況類似,其實我是覺得negative space很夠在封面本身也加標個書名和作者說xP

嗯。不列在正式出版的版本,是因為這個真的本來就是只有書衣,包起來大概長什麼樣子(無奈沒有書背或封底的照片)目前只看到箱子官方網站提供[Fox & Wit賣場]。最後最後,當然就是得放上什麼來代表這版本,所以鑲嵌由繪師分享比較能一次看、拿來比較的書衣圖:


Cover editions update log:
  • 2021/07/17: Fox & Wit Exclusive
  • 2023/06/17: Illumicrate Exclusive (updated again on 2024/4/22)
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