流浪神差 21

青之驅魔師 23

執業魔女Pico Pico 06

燄凰:凝秦遺夢 16


The Alchemists of Loom

The Outs

The Promise Kitchen

The Crooked Sixpence

Food Anatomy

Monday, January 20, 2020

[Series Overview] Stalking Jack the Ripper tetralogy - Kerri Maniscalco

I started this series on: January 18, 2020
I finished this series on: February 3, 2020 (main series)
Cover editions here updated on: October 11, 2023
Written content here updated on: February 3, 2020

Disclaimer, one you'd see on multiple posts
As I struggled to decide which book series to cover overviews for, it dawned to me that I'd never get started at this rate. It became clear to me that, it's rather unlikely for me to use this blog as my "main" reviewing spot since I have Goodreads for that, and chances of someone miraculously stumbling across this blog out of the countless ones out there, is just rather slim, therefore, I'd put up links to my GR reviews (in English,) and this post would be in Chinese for people who are curious about the series but either aren't comfortable with or just don't prefer reading in English.

Please also note that, sometimes I don't have time to write actual reviews, HOWEVER, I do always put down thoughts when I document my reading status updates, so for GR desktop users, remember to scroll down if it appears to contain little, it'd be under the quotes I liked from that book (when applicable lol;) for mobile app users, remember to switch to "Reading Activity," which would not be the default as "Review" is.

Goodreads Choice Award:第四集入圍Young Adult Fiction(2019

The actual review is, as usual, WIP, but like I said above, getting the post out there first.

GR stats (linking default edition) Editions I'm privy to
[Read My Review!]
[Read My Review!]
[Read My Review!]
[Read My Review!]

Series: Unofficial:

Disclaimer, one you'd see on multiple posts
The following section, basically a gallery of editions around the world with different book cover art, is largely inspired by treatments of fellow blogger Amethyst, who unfortunately hasn't done those types of blog posts for a while.

Please DO NOT mistaken the following to be all existing editions; I'm only including completed sets with matching designs. All clickable images are linked to respective editions on GR; people, shelving correct editions ain't that hard. Highly recommend accurate shelving. =D

American English | 美式英文

polski | Polish | 波蘭文

American English | 美式英文 (The Bookish Box Exclusive)

這一個我是因為在搜同盒子出產的The Diviners特別版(有夠漂亮!)資料的時候才遲緩發現的,當時GR上其實已有個別頁面,但畫質太糟了(讀者熱情提供但拍攝角度有待加強😅)所以等了一陣子(希望之後有更好的圖源),我有幫忙更換第一和第二集的封面(本來distort較明顯),不幸2022年10月開始我真的被RL壓榨到疲於奔命,所以就(不管後兩集在GR上不太好看)先放上來了w

The Bookish Box於2021年10月公布此特別版的消息跟所含內容[The Bookish Box @ Facebook一],隔月公布第一集封面[二]~主繪師為Lauren Boyle[繪師官網],裏書衣繪師為Arzzz[繪師Instagram][繪師Tumblr]。話說,本來如果一直沒有好圖源,我通常就會以官方發佈的資訊直接鑲暫代,所以一直蠻納悶為何找不到貼文(非官方這個算照的很棒的,供參[jy @ Twitter]),在搜尋過程中才發現原來這版生產過程有瑕疵(錯字跟其他校正疏失等),GR和前面網友的那個版本都是沒印好的(標題顏色錯誤)。

送上覺得整理情況頗詳細的傳送門www Kaya → [Bookish Box Tea: The Stalking Jack the Ripper Edition @ A Fictional Bookworm]和Cynthia的兩支unboxing影片 → [Cyn's Workshop @ YouTube一(原始版)][二(重新印刷更正版)],這邊就可以看到裏書衣的長相。


American English | 美式英文 (Fox & Wit Exclusive)
超感謝Amethyst的分享w 類似情況我因為The Folk of the Air那篇就已經掙扎完了,這篇因為同樣是至少書背有書名(請參見foxandwit @ Instagram[第一集][二][三][四]),所以決定可以發帖這系列了哈哈。這套書衣是由Kira Night[繪師官網]作畫、可參考看看此書衣部分原圖[繪師Instagram文一][二][三][四]。書衣本身我沒有覺得超好看,但很高興終於有不一樣的封面哈哈xDDDD 但跟The Folk of the Air的情況類似,其實我是覺得negative space很夠在封面本身也加標個書名和作者說xP



Cover editions update log:
  • 2020/05/10: Fox & Wit Exclusive
  • 2022/10/16: The Bookish Box Exclusive
  • 2023/10/11: Polish

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

[Series Overview] Stoker & Holmes - Colleen Gleason

I started this series on: January 7, 2020
I finished this series on: January 18, 2020
Cover editions here updated on: May 5, 2024
Written content here updated on: February 25, 2023

Disclaimer, one you'd see on multiple posts
As I struggled to decide which book series to cover overviews for, it dawned to me that I'd never get started at this rate. It became clear to me that, it's rather unlikely for me to use this blog as my "main" reviewing spot since I have Goodreads for that, and chances of someone miraculously stumbling across this blog out of the countless ones out there, is just rather slim, therefore, I'd put up links to my GR reviews (in English,) and this post would be in Chinese for people who are curious about the series but either aren't comfortable with or just don't prefer reading in English.

Please also note that, sometimes I don't have time to write actual reviews, HOWEVER, I do always put down thoughts when I document my reading status updates, so for GR desktop users, remember to scroll down if it appears to contain little, it'd be under the quotes I liked from that book (when applicable lol;) for mobile app users, remember to switch to "Reading Activity," which would not be the default as "Review" is.


The actual review is, as usual, WIP, but like I said above, getting the post out there first.

GR stats (linking default edition) Editions I'm privy to
[Read My Review!]
[Read My Review!]
[Read My Review!]
[Read My Review!]
[Read My Review!]


Disclaimer, one you'd see on multiple posts
The following section, basically a gallery of editions around the world with different book cover art, is largely inspired by treatments of fellow blogger Amethyst, who unfortunately hasn't done those types of blog posts for a while.

Please DO NOT mistaken the following to be all existing editions; I'm only including completed sets with matching designs. All clickable images are linked to respective editions on GR; people, shelving correct editions ain't that hard. Highly recommend accurate shelving. =D


American English | 美式英文

American English | 美式英文 (2022電子書)



總之,作者很有心(大概也有足夠的財力),很熱血的換了大部分封面又出了一次,第一次很安全,但我覺得這次的排版更好,因為明確看得到作者是誰xDDD 所以我覺得某種層面是有加分的!

American English | 美式英文 (重新出版電子書)

真的是有一種「我不是才剛更新過嗎?怎麼馬上又換新的了?」的感覺xDDDD 不知道的人,原本第一到三集是由傳統出版社出版,後來就... 沒續約吧,第四和五集是作者自己出的,還很貼心地讓封面風格一致。然後就是2022那版整套全部自己出版的版本,但不到一年,就又由小出版社Oliver-Heber Books重新出版了xP 封面繪師為Draženka Kimpel[繪師官網]

italiano | Italian | 義大利文

Cover editions update log:
  • 2023/2/25: American (2022 digital)
  • 2023/9/12: Italian
  • 2024/5/5: American (rereleased digital)
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