Unlike the [food in books] posts that just featured lists of food and respective quotes, this will NOT be a straightforward, unbiased (lol) list of documentation. All works were nicely referenced in the manga, I feel pretty lame to just type out the exact content without any altercation, plus, it's quite interesting to see works being translated into titles with different meanings, which is what the additional stuff noted by myself is mostly about. xDDD (Also, sometimes the citations only provided the actual books being used, which can be compilations, and not the name of the specific piece themselves; I figured knowing the actual title of the story is quite important, so I'd be prioritizing them.)
* Original Japanese title [romaji]: 本屋の森のあかリ [Honya-no Mori-no Akari]
* Traditional Chinese title: 書香森林的夢想家 (the edition I read)
- Vol. 1
Mother Goose or the Old Nursery Rhymes by Kate Greenway
(#1)漫畫中章節名譯為『鵝媽媽』。Dornröschen by Brüder Grimm
『グリム童話と魔女―魔女裁判とジェンダーの視点から』 by 野口芳子
☞ English readers, you'd recognize the subject matter as Sleeping Beauty, but no translated edition of it was listed as reference, only the material written by Yoshiko Noguchi was stated to be used for the chapter. Noguchi's book title indicates it's about Brothers Grimm's version, not the other well known one, La Belle au bois dormant.
(#2)漫畫中章節名譯為『睡美人』。Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
(#3)漫畫中章節名譯為『魯賓遜漂流記』。『永訣の朝』 by 宮沢賢治
(#4)漫畫中章節名譯為『永別的早晨』。台版漫畫出版期間(2009)似乎沒有正式中譯,不過查到2015年的一本書中有收錄直接譯作『永訣之朝』。David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
(#5)漫畫中章節名譯為『塊肉餘生錄』。- Vol. 2
Война́ и миръ / Война и мир by Лев Толстой
☞ English readers, you'd recognize this as War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy.
(#6)漫畫中章節名譯為『戰爭與和平』。Doctor Dolittle's Garden by Hugh Lofting
(#7)漫畫中章節名譯為『怪醫杜立德和來自月球的使者』。台版漫畫出版期間(2009)至今似乎沒有正式繁體中譯?日譯為『ドリトル先生と月からの使い』,東立應該是照日譯再譯,所以單照字面上可能反而會找錯書(原文有別集書名含月亮的啦!)雖然沒有正式繁體中譯,倒是有簡體中譯『杜立德医生的花园』就是了。ألف ليلة و ليلة
☞ English readers, you'd recognize this as One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights. Unsure what flags to use and I hope it won't be offensive; it's meant to indicate of what region it came from and what the place is called nowadays.
(#8)漫畫中章節名譯為『一千零一夜故事』。日譯為『千夜一夜物語』,東立可能是照日譯再譯,因為感覺常見中譯就是『一千零一夜』,不會特別去加後面的「故事」兩字。『寒山落木』 by 正岡子規
(#9)漫畫中章節同名為『寒山落木』。台版漫畫出版期間(2009)至今似乎沒有正式中譯?有查到的話歡迎分享!Sneedronningen / Snedronningen by H.C. Andersen
☞ English readers, you'd recognize this as The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen.
(#10)漫畫中章節名譯為『白雪皇后』。日譯為『雪の女王』,東立有可能是照日譯再自行演繹;因為這部雖然台版有不同譯名,我是不曉得有沒有其他已絕版的台灣正版繁體書翻成『白雪皇后』的啦,目前只有查到一本合集中看似也是用這個名稱(從文摘上判斷),所以覺得這個翻譯名稱絕對不會是多數啦!有看過單一書籍僅這個故事也用這個譯名的人,歡迎分享!查詢的話真的都不是出現該作,個人認為這個翻譯會誤導人,我自己一開始就看錯成白雪公主="= (聲明一下,簡體書目前是有查到一本也用這個翻譯,但我中文要看繁體的謝謝。)其他找到的中譯名稱包含『雪后』(我比較喜歡這個!但我也只找到一本用這名稱?)和『冰雪女王』(這個我比較有煩感,但不是它的錯;要怪就要怪一堆不認真查清事實的人!這個太容易聯想到迪士尼Frozen的中譯了!在想跟我坳說電影就是改編這個童話前,請閉嘴好好去查資料。並不是。不清楚且會讀英文者,歡迎閱讀我在GR上用英文寫關於此事的rant喔wwww)